Thursday, March 10, 2011

An Ebenezer

Derek calls it an Ebenezer and I prefer a "stone of remembrance"... but it goes back to the Old Testament when Samuel set up a stone to remember where God had moved on their behalf in a miraculous way to defeat the Philistines... and I know that our adoption process will be full of such moments. I want to journal about any "Ebenezers" we have along the way.... that together we can praise God... that we may see He is real and moves on our behalf... that we may be able to look back in 10 years, remember, and praise Him all over again.

So, a stone for this week...

We are about to have to write our first 2 big checks to lifeline (one should have been paid a while back but we forgot) When we set out on this journey, we knew that we didn't have the $ in the bank to pay for the adoption but we also knew that was not a reason to not move forward when we knew God was telling us to.....we would leave the money up to Him. So, a few days ago, I realized that I needed to write about $5,000 in checks toward adoption and we both kind of laughed about how that might happen. Fast forward to yesterday when I got the mail and had a letter that we were getting a check back for $5,320 from something to do with taxes a few years ago... I think it may become my catch phrase but can we just say that God is in the details?! And He even threw in an extra 320 :) As we were talking about how cool the timing was, I didn't realize that Rollins was listening to us....we have never mentioned to the kids anything about it costing money to adopt... just never thought to tell them. This was the conversation that followed:

Rollins : Do ya'll need more money to buy the little girl from china?
Me (after slightly gasping at the way he phrased that): Yes, it costs a lot of money
Rollins: Well, I have some money. I have $19. You can have all my money. That way you won't have to work too hard to earn more.

SO sweet that he was willing to empty his piggy bank for his little sister! (Now, maybe we will find a check for $20,000 in the bottom of his bank- ha!)

In other news, I've realized that adopting can make you JUST as hormonal as being pregnant. I don't know that anyone ever told me that.... but I've realized lately that the littlest thing can set off a flood of emotion when you least expect it.... whether it is a prayer at church or a U-tube video... those were the 2 things that got me most recently. So consider yourself warned that you might not know what you will get with me these days!!

Oh and here is the video that got me:


Sarah Beth said...

Praise the Lord for the "found" money!

Anonymous said...

Rushton I did not know you were adopting! I am so excited for you. Oh, what a wonderful journey you are going on. Praying for you!

Kelley Brown said...

Love that about the check!! And sweet Rollins and his generous heart. Yes, adopting can make you super emotional. And all the waiting can send you into crazy land. :) Just ask Karla!